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Genuineness from Piceno

Our way to make Agriturismo cuisine respects its original sense of "holiday in the farm". What you can taste at our Restaurant is mostly from our farm and our work.

You will savour products from our fruit trees; vegetable garden; homemade bread, pasta and cakes; VinCotto from our vineyards and oil from our olive trees. We take meat and wine for local farms and wineries.

Visit the Restaurant photogallery

Restaurant Halls and Patio

La Campana Restaurant is situated in a different building from the rooms ones. The two elegant restaurant halls with wood ceiling beam communicate through an internal stair and the first floor is mostly used as a relax hall.

In Summertime, we serve meals in the external porch. You will enjoy the view on the pergola of climbing plants, on the charming fountain with the ancient olive tree and on the Arena. This is a small amphitheatre occasionally used for entertainments and shows.

Theme menus

Soprattutto nel corso della bassa stagione, La Campana organizza degli eventi a tema in cui la creatività delle nostre cuoche sfrutta particolari ingredienti di stagione (ad esempio con il Pranzo della Zucca a Novembre o il Pranzo dei Fiori ed Erbe Spontanee in Primavera) o rivisita ricette della tradizione seguendo lo spunto di temi letterari (è il caso della Cena delle Fiabe e del Brunch dei Re Magi). Trovate qualche esempio dei nostri menù nella galleria dedicata alle locandine.

È possibile ricevere maggiori informazioni su questi eventi iscrivendosi alla nostra Newsletter, inviando una email a info@lacampana.it.


Especially during the low season, La Campana organizes themed events where our chefs' creativity experiments particular seasonal ingredients (for example the Pumpkin Lunch in November or the Lunch of Flowers and Spontaneous Herbs in Spring) or revisits traditional recipes, following the inspiration of literary themes (this is the case of the Fairy Tale Dinner and the Brunch of the Three Kings). You can find some examples of our menus in the gallery dedicated to posters.

You can receive more information about these events by subscribing to our Newsletter, by sending an email to info@lacampana.it.

Daily agritouristic menu

In summer, La Campana Restaurant opens every evening, by reservation, even for who just want to have dinner, without be accommodate in the Agriturismo. In the low season it opens on weekends and on Sundays for lunchs with theme menus.

Dinner menu is based on local and seasonal local ingredients, which mostly come from our company and the surrounding areas.

It consists in a rich buffet of vegetables and delicacies, a choice between two first courses, a choice between two main courses, a dessert of the day. Who prefers, can choose a tasting menu to experience all the dishes prepared.

To book, give us a phone call or contact us on Whatsapp

Our agri-food products

La Campana farm has a good (and tasty!) production of preserves. Fruit juices and jams will never be lacking on the breakfast buffet. After dinner, you will taste the VinCotto, a typical wine from Piceno. We also produce tomato preserves, fruit in syrup and fruit mustard, extra-virgin oil. 

Have a look at our catalogue!